Thursday, October 30, 2008

Finally Healed and Gearing up...

Well, my brief hiatus turned into quite the long, drawn out experience! lol One of these days I'm gonna learn not to count my eggs before they are hatched. ;)

Anyway, I am FINALLY fully recovered after multiple surgical procedures...and I'm gearing up for an open house that will include my work and the work of fellow Etsian and INcrowd member, my friend Linda Themer of Textured Turtle. Along with two other local artists, we are are inviting people to come see what our creative minds have been up to! ;) The open house will be at my home (ack! that means I have to clean...hahaha) on November 8th from 1pm until 5pm and anyone who can make it is more than stop on by if you live in the area!!! You'll find gorgeous fiber art and mosaic pieces, my flameworked glass beads set into both jewelry and gift accessories, wonderfully fun and funky recycled and upcycled wearable art by Joan Johnson-Bey and delightful contemporary prints and cards by Danielle Reynolds.

We'll be providing tasty holiday treats and some fun giveaways, too! If you'd like to come (it will be lots of fun!!!) and need directions, please don't hesitate to email me at

And as for those of you that live a little further away...never fear...anything that isn't swiped by attendees will be paying a visit to my Etsy page in a few weeks! lol


Joanna Taylor said...

So, how'd it go?
BTW, tag, you're it!

Joanna Taylor said...

Yeah, I'd love to participate in one of these sometime! Sounds like it was a lot of fun. Let me know when you're thinking of doing another....